Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

So i just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I decided to go out with some friends from work and go to the Celebrity Lounge at El Dorado Casino. Well Andrea (coworker) and i got to the celebrity lounge at about 8:30 and it was already somewhat packed but we luckily found a spot at the bar after some swingers got to drunk around 10pm and decided to leave. We were waiting for another girl Tanita to meet us when she got off work at 11pm but when she got off and got downtown to meet us she couldn't find anywhere to park and decided to go home....So Andrea and I brought in the New Year together....Skinni showed up at about 12:20 to surprise me with a kiss after he had decided to do his thing with his friends. All in all it was a fun night and many laughs were had. Sorry i had my camera but i didn't take any photo's...i know i know!!
Once again Happy New Year be sure to make this one a great one!

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