Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Morning

So for the past couple of weeks i have been asking Jack what do you want Santa Claus to bring to  you.....just a bike was the answer that i kept getting over and over. So i thought about it and of course Santa Claus had to bring Jack a new bike but what else could i get him.....Most of all Jack needed some new clothes for winter time and i knew that he would be getting other toys and stuff from the grandparents and other family members so i got him tons of new clothes, pajamas, slippers, hat & gloves, and Santa was the hero and Jack scored a new bike. Attached is some random photos of Jack on his new bike in his new pajamas that i allowed him to open on Xmas eve night so that he would look real cute on Xmas morning photo's. I hope that you can see Jack's expression on the bottom picture because that is when he first saw his bike and couldn't believe that Santa actually came to our house that night while he was sleeping  and brought him  the bike that he wanted.....It was real precious


  1. AW! That is so cute! I can't wait until Lilly knows what is going on on Christmas!
